Packaging and transport of fresh and processed food is a critical aspect in the food industry. The products should be stored safely, guaranteeing their freshness or preventing their damage and contamination with different substances during storage and transport.

Adequate packaging and transport of food are crucial. It helps to ensure freshness, prevent damage, and avoid contamination during storage and transit.

Food contact-approved materials offer a high level of hygiene and safety. Our equipment facilitates efficient handling and processing. The packaging for the food industry maintains optimal conditions for transport and storage.

The diverse needs of the food industry require customized solutions. The Eurobox team will assist you in choosing the optimal logistics for your company.

Proper packaging and shipping in the food industry cannot be overstated. They are critical in ensuring the safety, freshness, and quality of both fresh and processed food. During storage and transit, the challenge is to maintain these attributes and prevent any spoilage or contamination.

Eurobox’s commitment to excellence is evident in the materials we use for food industry products. They meet stringent standards for food contact. This way, the solutions ensure hygiene and safety. The available equipment plays a vital role in the efficient handling and processing of food products. This contributes to a seamless logistic flow.

Returnable packaging further enhances the conditions for transit and storage. Its design and durability align with the demands of the food industry. The result is a reliable solution for maintaining product integrity throughout the supply chain.

Understanding the unique requirements of the food industry is crucial. Every product and operation within this sector creates specific needs. The dedicated team at Eurobox is well-prepared to assist each client in selecting the most optimal logistics solution tailored to their company’s requirements.

The joint effort between Eurobox’s team of specialists and a client company ensures a strategic approach to food packaging. We are committed to responding to industry requirements by providing solutions that prioritize efficiency, safety and reliability. Our expertise enables us to navigate the complexities of the food sector. Due to this, we ensure that products reach their destination in the best possible condition.

Main product categories have utility in the food industry. Examples follow to illustrate this point:

Reusable Packaging

Reusable packaging is a sustainable cornerstone in the dynamic and eco-conscious food industry. Robust boxes, crates and pallets stand up to multiple uses. They facilitate the transit of fresh products from farms to distribution centres and retail chains. This approach minimizes waste and aligns with sustainability goals. Reusable packaging is, in consequence, an ideal choice for the food industry in many ways.

Customized Packaging

The food industry thrives on specificity, and customized packaging is becoming a valuable asset in this area. Tailored solutions with unique design and branding elements significantly enhance brand identity.

Customized boxes and pallets are essential in the food sector. They are solutions designed for the transport and storage of products. A rule of packaging intended for the food industry is that they are made of food-safe materials. This ensures compliance with hygiene and safety regulations. These custom options increase the efficiency of food transport.

Cardboard Packaging

Paperboard packaging is a versatile and cost-effective solution for the food industry. Because of its low weight, it is an optimal choice for transporting dry products. The customization options with carton packaging ensure that mass-produced food products retain a unique brand identity during transport and on store shelves.


Effective inventory control is an essential element in food production. Kanban inventory systems are a strategic ally for this purpose. For example, in the busy environment of a bakery, they ensure a continuous supply of essential ingredients. They result in minimizing waste and maintaining a seamless production process. Products in this category are adaptable. As such, items such as tubular shelving or aluminium profiles are a precious asset for industries where timing and precision are essential.


Optimize warehouse flow for diverse products. Industrial vehicles, like operated tuggers, handle varied weights. Milkrun dollies are ideal for transporting goods on pallets or in boxes and containers. Enhance efficiency in handling and distribution processes with tailored intralogistics solutions.

To grasp the alignment with the main product categories listed above, we provide examples following:

  • Reusable Packaging serves for transporting fresh products. Durable, reusable crates and pallets ensure the safe and eco-friendly transit of fruits and vegetables. They reduce costs in the long term and lower waste.
  • Customizable packaging includes logo embossing and atypical box or pallet sizes. Custom packaging allows a company to highlight its logo when displayed in stores. In addition, the manufacture of crates and pallets with special sizes ensures optimal storage of atypical shaped products. This improves both branding and logistical efficiency.
  • Cardboard packaging is an essential component in the food industry. Their use is particular for packaging dry products such as cereals or pasta. Lightweight, cost-effective, and custom-made cardboard packaging is ideal for mass-produced food products. It contributes to efficient transport and presentation on the shelf.
  • Protective packaging is essential for fragile food products. Glass sauce jars or delicate oil bottles benefit from protective materials that prevent breakage. This ensures that products retain their quality and reach consumers intact.
  • Kanban has benefits in the food industry as well. In a restaurant, it facilitates inventory control for perishable ingredients. This ensures timely supply. The system minimizes waste, maintains a constant supply of essential items and improves overall kitchen efficiency. In a food production plant, Kanban optimizes ingredient levels. It reduces overstocking and supports just-in-time production. Its adaptability within the food sector ensures efficient processes and timely ingredient readiness.
  • The intralogistics systems optimize food industry operations. Industrial vehicles, like operated tuggers, can handle varied weights. Milkrun dollies transport assorted food products on pallets or in palletboxes and containers. These industrial vehicles streamline warehouse tasks and ensure timely deliveries. They improve product movement within distribution centres and contribute to seamless operations.

These examples illustrate how Eurobox Logistics’ main product categories cater to the food industry. They contribute to efficiency, safety, and the overall success of businesses in this sector.

The industrial packaging offered by Eurobox Logistics addresses the specific needs of the food industry. From reusable packaging focused on sustainability to versatile custom solutions and protective packaging that ensures product integrity to efficient inventory control with Kanban, Eurobox solutions contribute to the food sector’s efficiency, safety and success. The integration of intralogistics solutions and organizational and protective equipment further enhances the overall operational landscape. These products provide support to overcome distinct requirements and challenges.

Trust Eurobox for a thorough and reliable approach to food packaging and transportation. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we are dedicated to contributing to their company’s success in the dynamic and demanding food industry landscape.