SFIP Multi-pallet 10

Product information

  • Pallet provided with 9 feet and cargo securing various accessories;
  • Allows different sizes or rounded shapes product placement on the same pallet without using straps or other safety accessories;
  • Optionally, can be supplied additional accessories;
  • It is also available in 3 rails variant.

Technical specifications


Dimensiuni exterioare: 1200 x 800 x 140 mm

Data sheet

FMC_19_Data sheet-Multi-pallet-KG-SFIP-10.pdf


Masa: 22 kg

Capacitate de încărcare:

  • Statică 5000 kg
  • Dinamică 1500 kg

Rezistenţa la temperaturi: -300 …+600 C
Material: PE-RE
Culoare: gri